Leadership: The Leadership of Samson

I preached this sermon at the All Saints Cathedral on March 22nd, 2009. This is part I of my Leadership teaching, I pray and hope you will be bless through it as it was with original hearers. I will be glad to hear from you, or if you want to see a particular topic also do not hesitate to let me know. For I am building people for the kingdom of God voluntarily as I obey the call of Jesus Christ our Savior in the gospel of Matthew 28: 18-20. This message was preached strictly for South Sudan as  a new Nation of the World, but it can work with any other country or people else where.

 Scriptural Readings for the Sermon

Text OT: Psalm 106:13, 47.   Judges 13: 1-5, 16:15-22          NT: John 3:14-21


 Some countries of the world today celebrate the mother’s day. I want to humbly ask all mothers to stand on their feet, we want to thank you and pray for you in this special day.

31 years of peace have gone and Israel began to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, and again the nation came under domination by foreign rulers. In this particular period, Israel was under the rule of Philistine. For forty years the nation was under Philistine. (Living with sin for forty years, impossible!

Some thing amazing here! There is no remorse or Repentance/confession like in the time of Jonah, or Nehemiah-God chose to deliver them.

 God is looking for some one in that Particular time in Israel who could be given the leadership so as to release the nation from the hand of the enemy. God had not found any one who can be a leader! And I think God, like human said to himself, let me try the house of Manoah, who his wife is barren. Then the angel appeared to this woman and told her that you are going to be pregnant. You will give birth to a boy, and during this time, you are not allowed to drink any kind of fermented drink, alcohol or wine. The boy is to be a Nazirite (Nazarayit). That means the boy is dedicated to God for ever, he will not drink any kind of drink, fermented or not-no wine, No Waragi, no Pilsner, Whiskey or any type.

 The boy belongs to God, and God alone will the boy served. The time came and the boy to be born and was named ‘Samson’ which means “Sun, or Bright sun” through his name God believed that this boy will be the bright sun of Israel; he will shine like a star. (I think it advisable to name children with positive names. (in the Bari speaking tribes, there is Lokiko-which means born on the street –with unknown father). The Arab speaking Community name Abdal Nebi=Servant of the Prophet, Jarel Nebi=means neighbor of the prophet.

The main purpose is that this bright sun would be a bright leader to bring peace to Israel (13.24)

 The Bible says, Samson grew up normally with GOD, physically in Wisdom and the fear of the Lord.

 When I was reading this text, (Jgde13-14) I asked my self why did God had to wait until the boy grew up. Is there no one in the territory? Why not to assigned Manoah or any one else. We all know that God knows our past, present and the future. He knew the only person to bring salvation to Israel would be Samson.

 Let’s do a Bible study on “Samson” and get some characteristics in his leadership.

  1. Samson is a selfish leader: He fought alone (14.19; 15.4-5; 16.3) In Africa today, we see many selfish and tribal governments where one tribe of people leads the country. Dr. Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan. This is a style now dominating most of the African countries in particular. A group of people ruling a nation. We have never read that Samson led a Hebrew army against the Philistines. He is a single handed fighter. When he grew up, and got the calling loud and clear, he was fighting alone. working alone in leadership is selfishness and a sign of wrong leadership.
  1. Samson is self centered: Samson was thinking that God chose him alone. Yes he was chosen alone, but he should involved others to make his strategies strong.  Because of this Samson was hated by his people. In 15.11-13, The Jews came to Samson and said to him…”we have come to  tie you up and hand you over the to the Philistines”
  2.  Disobedient leader: He wanted to marry a Philistine woman (14.2) “where he said, I have seen a Philistine woman…now get her for me as wife” Let me tell another tragic thing here in Africa. Some of the government ministries are not working sincerely. Many times, you find whole staff under a certain tree, gathered round a woman who sales breakfast & tea. They pretend to be working, for a paper to be signed it has to go round the tree looking for who to sign. I think there are no arm chairs on these offices. Samson has the same problems, he do not have an office, no arm chairs, no money for services, where he can organize his army and assign them duties. What is the strategy for South Sudan?  If you stand on the streets, in Africa, take a look at the vehicles and cars passing, you will find every nine of ten are Government vehicles? Are they working really for Government or they just want some ends to meet? How much fuel do they consumed to make their own struggles. 
  1. Leader who loves women (Sexual sin): Samson the strongest man of his generation was tragically unable to control his lust for Women. Having failed in his plan to marry a Philistine woman, Samson now turned to a prostitute (16.1)-Delilah of Gaza. Samson forgot his name is on the top of the most wanted men in Philistine. Again we read that Samson felt in love with another Delilah. This time is Delilah of Sorek. I think this Delilah is also a prostitute, because the Bible did not say she loved Samson There is famous saying  in Nigeria that says…”A love between a hunting dog and a hungry rat is not rooted deep in the heart”. Such women just love your money but not you. It is only your wife who can say” dady I love you
  2.        Because Delilah did not love Samson she betrayed him just to gain silver. She tried Samson three times to get the secret. Each time Samson dogged her. Before the fourth trial, she had another trick. Praise God. The Bible says she had Samson on her laps (between her knees). Now she asked the man a very foolish question…do you really love me…if you do tell me the secret of your strength?  Samson was relaxed between this woman’s knees and he told her everything… “No razor has been used on my headjust shave my hairs you will tie me, and I will become weak… (16.17) …if some get that chance they would sell this nation…I said ti my self. There are many lodges and restaurants in town so that sexual sin my advance.
  3. Corrupt leader (He sold his strength to a woman): Delilah waste no time because of the Silver promised her. She called a man and shaved Samson’s head. Samson was captured by the enemy, and the first thing they did was to remove his eyes. The man who was promised to be the bright sun is now blind because of adultery. Now, no vision, no direction and no position. He has become a blind prisoner. What do you think has blinded our nation? Living in sin can blind you, and you will not be able to see your future.

             Samson seems like a train whose engineer has fallen out of the cab, an over sized accident smashing into everything it meets.              But for God there are no accidents. He used the tragedy of Samson’s life for good. This is true with any one else.

         In conclusion, the above characteristics are present every where, not only Samson. Every one of us is a leader in one way or              the other. Selfish, disobedient, self centered, he loved women and corrupt by selling his strength. Now check yourself, if                    you find yourself to have one or two or more, it’s the right time to come back to your sense, confess them and repent. He is                merciful and just will forgive all our sins and will cleanse from all unrighteousness.

About Kings School of Ministry

I'm a Minister, and author, Evangelist and a Pastor who has responded to the call of God and has obeyed the greatest command ever given by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago. I'm ambitioned to give knowledge and share the good news of Salvation to prepare every soul get save through the grace of Jesus Christ. This is what every Minister is called to do.
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